Welcome to your health journey.
Trust your Gut, Trust your Body
Natural Medicine is founded from a simple philosophy that we, as humans, have an innate ability to heal. When we trust that our bodies are capable of finding greater function, with the appropriate support and guidance, the potential outcomes are limitless.
To stimulate that kind of healing, we consider all of the factors in your environment (past & current) that brought you to this moment in your life. This is what I like to call your outer ecosystem and it is critical to healing, but often takes a longer time to allow it to unfold and be addressed/process.
We support this process with arguably one of the most important organ systems in your body, the microbiome. Addressing how our body responds to its environment often involves supporting the gut.
This is where my approach is different, I love all of the microbes in the internal environment. Some are troublemakers that need a stern talking to, but for the most part – they’re just asking to be held in check by neighboring microbes. If we support those microbes and the environment within which they are working, we can change lives.
I’ve seen patients make these changes in their lives that warm my heart and continue to be the reason I see patients today.
Who is Dr. Piper?
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